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Oh Yeah Farms!!

Oh Yeah Farm Sign

CSA Entrepreneur - Chris Petry

Click here to check out his website and all he has to offer

A new and partnership with Haus Rohrbach


Chris' Story

Chris was born in Trumansburg, a small farm town in upstate New York which had no stop lights, but they had lots of vineyards, orchards, hay, corn and cattle fields.  He never envisioned a life as a farmer when he lived there, so he went off to college at Penn State to run track and field.  While he was there he studied Parks and Recreation with a focus on Outdoor Adventure.  His degree led him to Seattle for an internship/career with an international mountain guiding company.

After a few years of mountain/ski guiding, he experienced what so many of us have during this economic recession; upon returning from a spring Alaskan ski adventure he was informed by his boss that the full time work he was promised that summer was looking more like part time.  He took a monumental piece of advice from a high school friend and found a supplemental job farming job on Craigslist!  He started working for Natures Last Stand in Carnation.  He worked all aspects of the farm (planting, harvesting, community supported agriculture (CSA) deliveries, and two Seattle Markets) for two years until the traffic, parking tickets and concrete got the best of him.

In 2010 he moved to Leavenworth to live his dream farming, rock climbing, mountain biking and skiing.  He started with finding an apprenticeship with an old school farmer, Grant Gibbs at Gibbs Organics.  For several years he worked alongside Grant in his orchards, grain and vegetable fields.  While doing so he managed his own two separate 1 acre market gardens where he sold fresh produce to the top restaurants in Leavenworth.  However, between all the different properties Chris was spending quite a bit of time commuting back and forth trying to provide the delicate and dedicated care organic produce requires. He had already established lasting friendships and contacts in Leavenworth and one of them gave Chris a great recommendation to come visit
Haus Rohrbach and see see if we could help Chris establish his business in a single location. Chris stopped and by and we hit it off immediately.  Chris is a true gentleman farmer, so we allotted him 5 acres to farm just below the Haus to start with. In 2014 Chris is moving into his second season with us and the property is looking great and his management of the acreage is taking shape. 

Chris has dreamt of selling his own produce at Seattle Farmers Markets since his first day working at one.  Last year he regularly sold there and established a great following of locals buying into his CSA goals.  Chris now has the space at
Haus Rohrbach and the assets to be a Washington State farmer represented in local and Seattle markets.  He is growing a large amount of his produce for his local community where he sells at the Leavenworth and Wentachee Farmers Markets, to local restaurants, and his own CSA.  With that being said he is growing specific nitch crops in larger amounts for the Seattle market: oats, dry beans, ginger and hops.  He believes in what he is doing, and so do we at Haus Rohrbach!

We are excited about working with Chris and hope to provide not only the opportunity for our guest to bring home some outstanding organic produce, but provide a connection to the other out door recreation experiences that Chris is involved in when his produce remains warm and dormant under our snow laden fields during the winter!


Chris at Work - Now that's an office!!




Harvest Time





Other pictures of Chris' CSA


That is some big beats!

We'll add links later for other info to Chris' winter tour work so that our guests can experience outstanding guided tours during the day and relax at Haus Rohrbach in the evening after a soak in the hot tub.


Chris Speaking at the Tilth Conference



Parasailer landing near Chris' Produce

Lately we have had parasailers landing in the yard.  They hike the Tumwater Mountain behind Haus Rohrbach and then take off from the highest point.  They sail on the thermals off the Tumwater Mountain fly right over our pool as they make a perfect landings; they make it look so easy! I don't think I'll be trying this too soon no matter how fun it looks...but it would not surprise me if Chris takes it up!!




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